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what on earth I am thinking
Saturday, 7 May 2011 | Saturday, May 07, 2011 | 6 wink
Hello earthlings! I know. My last post was boring. Hahaha. I really need something to talk about. Yeah. I got one. Thanks to my handsome friend, Ackely Nino for helping me to get my stuff from the Nationwide. I thought it will not open today but God still want to do miraculously things in my life. All praises to Him. And thanks to my BC for giving me free sheer mineral powder and timewise foundation. Love it so much <3 <3

Now, I am so full. I ate 'kuih pisang' and drank a cup of nestume just now. Agak2 la.makanan di cafe tu tiada rasa langsung. dahla expensive, no taste, so I choose to buy kuih pisang. Hmmm what else. I miss to dance at church. I haven't dance for almost 3 months because of the hectic life at campus. Oh yeah. Exam is just around the corner and I have not touch my notes yet. I miss home. I want to go home.  What on earth I am thinking. Exam have not started and I already think to go home??? Haiya. andrea2.. I have 5 papers for this semester and yeah it's kinda freak me out because i have to revise back all my notes.. ok enough is enough. Meet you tomorrow. Adios. 

p/s There's always something 2 thank Jesus 4. Despite how u feel today, take a moment 2 thank Him for something

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Edited By Ann.