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Andrea's Channel
Thursday, 9 June 2011 | Thursday, June 09, 2011 | 0 wink

I really didn't realize that today is 9th of June already and I am so sorry for not blogging for the past days. I have only 10 days left at home and I am thinking again about on how to spend my holiday wisely. I did a lot of things these days like watching movie, karaoking, shopping and I also went to Perdana Park with my lovely cuzzies. Oh yeah, I also become a nanny to my lovely cutie nephew, lil Jayden Charlton. It's so good to have a little boy in da house since I do not have any young sisters or brothers. I am the youngest one. But the thing is, I want to confess here that I am not ready to become a mother. You know, babysitting is not an easy job but I enjoy look after my nephew. Ok enough of that. Actually I do not know what to write here. Maybe I should tell you what I have done yesterday. Let the story begins..

Yesterday, I went out with my friend. Actually I planned to stay at home but luckily my friend messaged me and he said, "How about we going out tomorrow"? and I reply ok, let's meet up soon. In short, we promised that he's going to fetch me at my sister's house. After he fetched me, we went to Tanjung Aru's Seafood Restaurant. We did not go to the beach because there were so many people and I saw some people that I recognized very well. Malaslah nanti dorg ckp2 ni boy ko ka atau apaka. Y penting dorg mesti busybody. And I hate that. 

After took lunch, we went to Maybank. Then we went to Suria's shopping mall. Palagi tengok movie, main game and shopping liao. But I only managed to buy 1 dress. :( Others, window shopping jak. I was thinking on my budget. I have to save money because I need to buy books before I am going back to Tawau. Anyway, I'm not sad at all. I knew that dress is not everything. The most important thing is happiness. As long as we have our dress to cover our body, even the dress is not beautiful, it's ok suda mah..

Then, at 5 p.m we fetched my sister at Terminal Bus sana bandaran. She was working at Keningau. Before that, we jalan2 sana kf. Tingu2 kadai urg. :D sambil2 tapau makanan tuk sister sia. My friend used his dmax car. After fetched my sister, we dropped her out at my sister's house. Nah, then we went to Pizza Hut. We ordered 6 pizzas, tapaula tu kalo banyak sangat kan. hehe. The good thing was one of the worker had gave us free pizza. hahah..we were so lucky. 

I arrived home at 9.20 p.m.

That the end of my story.

p/s: sorry for my grammatical errors. I'll upload my pic soon. 

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