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Again, Ramblings
Saturday, 27 August 2011 | Saturday, August 27, 2011 | 0 wink
Hey there! Fasting month is almost over and I can't wait the Hari Raya festival to come. You know why? because I want to eat lot lot lottttttt of foods. Hahah. Glad i'm home now and i can eat what i want. Maggie is just not welcome if I'm at home. yeap.

Well, actually I'm not going to say about foods or Hari Raya thingy. I am happy sitting at home and doing my 'chores'. Rather than going to school and meet the annoying old teachers. 'SPY'.  I just finished my 'LAST SBE' yesterday. There's a lot of things happened during my SBE at SK PEKAN TELIPOK, TUARAN. But let just make it secret. I spent 5 days there and I'm not going to say I truly love the school. You know, the pupils were good but I don't find the teachers were really friendly. Well some of them are good and friendly but the others, em susa sia mau cakap. But things going very well and we were able to finish our task given by the lecturer. Next year will be my first practicum until I finish my study there. i just can't wait! haha

Hem, it is andrea to say osonong kosuabon :D

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