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Andrea's Channel
Thursday, 29 September 2011 | Thursday, September 29, 2011 | 1 wink
Sitting in my room now... thinking about my childhood days, my schooling days, my church days and my now. I have been living all my life thinking about how to take care of myself, how to please and bring a joy to myself, and others of course. Life is a journey. Well, I did a mistake along the journey I have been through. Yes, a few mistakes. Urr, nope. not a few but many times I let down God's heart. Many times have I broken His heart. But still, He never leave me. He always forgives me.  But, I never thought that I can have a life that can know God but yet at the same time know myself.

 I started to discover more about what I am, not others want me to be. Well, it is such an amazing journey. However, sometimes it can be kind of scary when God starts to reveal much of you to you. There is just this much that you can take isn't it?

Time has passed and now I am going to be 22. Now is 21. Life is still a journey...  but God is faithful and He has never let me down, even though I have. I hope that the up and coming journey will be much more fulfilments than now, that I will allow myself to know God more. Start living for God, start living for me. :D


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Edited By Ann.