Should I care?
Wednesday, 14 September 2011 | Wednesday, September 14, 2011 | 3 wink
*I'm totally out of comfortable zone*. Meaning to say, I have gained KGS since I came back from holiday. You know, being at home last 2 weeks, I saw a lot of foods on the freezer. I mean, like biscuits, chocolate, candy, pudding etc. hell ya, I just can't stand my mouth from eating them. Both of my sisters and cousins said to me last holiday "nak, ko macam gumukkkk suda oo", and I was like WHAT? FAT?? and I asked my closest cousins and she replied me, nda bah dorg men2 jakk tu. tp mmg ada juala sikit. nahh. Don't try to please me, cuz. Then, I went to the mirror and look to my body and start to monologue. Mcm teda2 perubahan baini. Konon~~ "Misti Kakak sia vomit kalo dingar sia cakap gini*. Then after that, I told myself, I have to exercise if I want my 'shape' back. Kenen < sedia kamu ambil plastik tuk vomit ah>But Mommy told me, you don't have to worry too much on your body bah nak. Kau kurus bah tu. Dorg sija ckp2 g2 sbb badan dorg gumuk ckit. Then I was like. yeah! Betul jua kan. buat pa mau concern sangat pasal body shape. Bukan jua sia mau p masuk model competition ka apa...
Nah, after I returned to campus last week, I started to take Bio Enhanced Evening Primrose Oil. It's tell me to take 1 or 2 capsules together with meals. Mommy said it's good for my skin but watch out on my food intake. Now, I don't see any changes yet on my skin but I'll wait. *Finger crossed*. The sad part was my current weight is 57. from 52 to 57?paling manang. and now, I promise to myself that i will remove some of my unwanted KG. Yang lamak2 lain2 tu harus di simpan, because I don't want people to see me as a super skinny girl. Bukan beauty tu ah~~
ok fine, muntah sudah kali kamu baca ni. Long entry but don't worry because I will not post any long entry after this. Percaya kaitu
bah, sekian
anyway, it's me andrea saying Osonong KosuabonLabels: foods, weigh
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Hello, welcome to my blog. No annoyed words here okay.
The Narrator
Hi peeps! I'm Andrea.
Vintage photography. Jeans. Cardigan. Heels. Sneakers. Sandals. Long hair. Food. Tiramisu. Listening to my favorite song. Late night conversation with someone I care. Morning at the dew. Laughing uncontrollably. Random dancing. Watching nice movies. Warm shower. Beach. Reading some nice books. Tuck in a warm, comfortable blanket while it's raining. Jesus Number One. Family comes first.
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Should I care?
Wednesday, 14 September 2011 | Wednesday, September 14, 2011 |
3 wink
*I'm totally out of comfortable zone*. Meaning to say, I have gained KGS since I came back from holiday. You know, being at home last 2 weeks, I saw a lot of foods on the freezer. I mean, like biscuits, chocolate, candy, pudding etc. hell ya, I just can't stand my mouth from eating them. Both of my sisters and cousins said to me last holiday "nak, ko macam gumukkkk suda oo", and I was like WHAT? FAT?? and I asked my closest cousins and she replied me, nda bah dorg men2 jakk tu. tp mmg ada juala sikit. nahh. Don't try to please me, cuz. Then, I went to the mirror and look to my body and start to monologue. Mcm teda2 perubahan baini. Konon~~ "Misti Kakak sia vomit kalo dingar sia cakap gini*. Then after that, I told myself, I have to exercise if I want my 'shape' back. Kenen < sedia kamu ambil plastik tuk vomit ah>But Mommy told me, you don't have to worry too much on your body bah nak. Kau kurus bah tu. Dorg sija ckp2 g2 sbb badan dorg gumuk ckit. Then I was like. yeah! Betul jua kan. buat pa mau concern sangat pasal body shape. Bukan jua sia mau p masuk model competition ka apa...
Nah, after I returned to campus last week, I started to take Bio Enhanced Evening Primrose Oil. It's tell me to take 1 or 2 capsules together with meals. Mommy said it's good for my skin but watch out on my food intake. Now, I don't see any changes yet on my skin but I'll wait. *Finger crossed*. The sad part was my current weight is 57. from 52 to 57?paling manang. and now, I promise to myself that i will remove some of my unwanted KG. Yang lamak2 lain2 tu harus di simpan, because I don't want people to see me as a super skinny girl. Bukan beauty tu ah~~
ok fine, muntah sudah kali kamu baca ni. Long entry but don't worry because I will not post any long entry after this. Percaya kaitu
bah, sekian
anyway, it's me andrea saying Osonong KosuabonLabels: foods, weigh
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